Nothing beats feeling your best. When everything is running smoothly and your energy is high, you’re ready to enjoy all the good things in life.
The downside to feeling good is it’s easy to take your good health for granted. When nothing is bothering you, it’s easier to ignore doing the things that keep you healthy. A common comparison made in the health field is taking care of your car—and for good reason. Many people are more aware of the need to maintain a regular schedule for tune-ups and oil changes than they are for their own bodies. Obviously, there’s no comparison between the importance of your health and well-being and that of your car. We expect to “trade up” and replace several vehicles during our driving years—but your body is by far the most important “vehicle” you have!
It may be that we associate the need for personal healthcare with illness rather than with the prevention of poor health—or that the auto industry has trained us to follow specific maintenance schedules. After all, a car is a fairly simple mechanical device compared to the human body.
Your maintenance plan for your body includes several parts that are best addressed daily, such as which fuel you put in your tank, how much wear and tear you subject yourself to, and all the other choices you make that affect the way you feel tomorrow and in the future.
If you think of your massage sessions as your body’s periodic tune-ups, you may ask how they can help you to keep cruising down the highway of life.
The underlying reason that makes regular massage so important to your overall health is this: Your body is constantly changing, and massage contributes to the positive aspects of these many changes. In other words, a major factor in maintaining good health is ensuring all of the communication systems of the body are operating properly and everything is kept moving. It’s very hard to imagine the millions of processes that are taking place every day within your body. Each of these minute actions contributes to the quality of your health and well-being. Since each system depends on the others, helping your body to keep things flowing properly greatly benefits your overall condition.
Anyone who’s received several massages is probably most aware of the reduction in tension and muscle stiffness. While massage is working out those noticeable kinks, it’s also contributing to more subtle areas of concern, like promoting detoxification and encouraging your body’s regenerative and cleansing capabilities, as well as boosting your immune function. These benefits are the ones you notice in increased energy, an enhanced sense of well-being, etc.
So, make the most of your most-prized vehicle (your body) by keeping it in tune with your regular massage sessions!