Just a reminder to take steps to stay healthy during the often-hectic holiday season. With the added stress of more to do and the many tempting, tasty treats just calling you to overindulge, it’s all too easy to push yourself too far and suffer the consequences.
• Know your limits. Whether it’s at work, a party or visiting friends, decide now to limit your intake of holiday treats and to eat as sensibly as possible. In the long run, you’ll be glad you did.
• Only do what you can manage. If you try to attend every event and please everyone you know, you could stretch yourself too thin and wind up ill or too stressed to enjoy the activities.
• Make time for massage! De-stress, stay relaxed, and help keep your body functioning smoothly. Take those vital few minutes just for you—put the rest of the world on hold for a couple of hours while you take care of yourself. When you make the commitment, you and your life will be better for it!