This issue will cover a remarkable technique that can help your body to function better and improve your overall health. Because it affects one of the essential functions of your body, a CranioSacral session can bring about many unexpected health benefits.
Simply stated, your body’s main job is to keep everything in balance. If you get hot, your body perspires; if you get sick, you get a fever to fight the invading virus. The better all your systems are functioning, the more effective your body should be at keeping things in a balanced, healthy state.
CranioSacral Therapy addresses the functioning of a vital system in your body that can have a major impact on your overall health. Consequently, the scope of health benefits you can get from your sessions is very broad.
The accompanying article will give you an overview of the therapy and how it can help you to reach your health goals. The best way for you to realize fully what it can do for you is to experience a CranioSacral session for yourself. Please feel free to call with questions, and to schedule an appointment. See you soon!
Craniosacral Therapy — for better health
If your goal is to maintain the highest level of health possible, you should really enjoy discovering the many benefits of CranioSacral Therapy. Read on to learn more about one of the great health revelations of modern times.
The craniosacral system consists of fluid and membranes that surround and protect the spinal cord. It includes the bones from the skull (the cranium) down to the tailbone (the sacrum). This system influences many body functions, and an imbalance can adversely affect the development of the brain and spinal cord, which can result in sensory, motor and neurological dysfunction.
CranioSacral Therapy encourages your body’s natural mechanisms to improve the functioning of your brain and spinal cord, lessens the negative effects of stress, and enhances your general health and resistance to disease.
The discovery ...
The discovery of the function of the craniosacral system began in the early 20th century with Dr. William Sutherland, an American osteopath, observing that the joints in the skull (called sutures) appeared to be designed to facilitate movement. Common belief at the time was that these joints were fused into permanent positions at maturity. He later observed that there are different rhythmic tidal motions in the body. His medical training taught that any restriction to a natural physiological movement will lead to a reduction in the function of that area.
Moving ahead to the 1970s, Dr. John Upledger observed the craniosacral rhythm while assisting in a surgical operation. He was given the task of holding still the membrane that surrounds the spinal cord (the dural membrane). He found it very difficult to hold this area still and discovered that it moved in a rhythm of 8-10 cycles per minute. This experience inspired the journey that led to his discovery and development of CranioSacral Therapy.
The session ...
During a CranioSacral session, the therapist applies a very light pressure (about the weight of a nickel) to monitor the rhythm of the craniosacral system to detect potential restrictions and imbalances. Using gentle manual techniques, the practitioner releases those problem areas, relieving any undue pressure on the brain and spinal cord, and resulting in a central nervous system free of restrictions — and a body returning to its greatest levels of performance.
The gentle techniques used in CranioSacral Therapy are aimed at bringing ease to the body and helping the body’s own healing potential to influence the affected areas, thereby encouraging a return to optimal functioning. The person receiving the therapy remains comfortable and in control — and may feel a deep sense of relaxation combined with sensations of heat, tingling, and pulsation during the session.
It’s fairly common to have symptoms in one part of the body manifest elsewhere. For instance, a condition felt in the hip may arise from a problem in the neck or head. One of the benefits of CranioSacral work is the relief of these seemingly unrelated distortions.
Because of its gentle nature, CranioSacral Therapy can be performed at times when more forceful therapies would be too invasive. Consequently, everyone can benefit from this treatment. Those who have received sessions report a feeling of ease, comfort and relaxation long after the session.
How does it work?
CranioSacral Therapy is based on the understanding of the human energy field and how to achieve the proper flow and balance of this energy — the goal being the development of spinal flexibility, ease of the nervous system, and improved general health and well-being.
To understand what’s happening, you need to know something about fascia —the membrane material that permeates the body. If you removed the hair, blood vessels, organs, bones, nerves, muscle fibers, and fluids, fascia would be what remains. It includes the ligaments and all the membranous material that surround and connect all our organs, bones and muscles. In the embryo, fascia forms from a single fold. So fascia is a single structure, holding together in functional relationship every part of the body.
Being one structure, if fascia in one part of the body loses its flexibility due to mechanical inhibition or toxic or malnourished environment, it may affect any other part or system. Inflammation tends to cause normally free-sliding fascial layers, such as those that surround the spinal cord, to bind together. Fascia under tension is always trying to pull the body back to its natural state of great ease. One of Dr. Upledger’s great insights is that the body knows in full detail and with total accuracy exactly what it needs to do, and what assistance it needs, to return to this state of ease.
CranioSacral Therapy is the tool that enables the body to “re-set” itself and pursue its job of maintaining the highest level of health possible.
References: CranioSacral Therapy 21 years on, by John Page; The Upledger Institute, Inc.