Thursday, June 10, 2010

Analysis of Cancer Studies

Being we are just finishing up on another year of being part of our local 'Relay for Life' event, I felt that just a bit of alternative information dealing with Cancer would be in order. The articale below was put together by Reflexology Researchers and writers, Barbara and Kevin Kunz. They are both leaders in the Alternative Healthcare Industry of Reflexology. The following is being posted for all of those readers who are interested in Cancer Research and the use of alternatives such as Reflexology.

Analysis of Reflexology and Cancer Patients
by Barbara and Kevin Kunz

A review of thirteen studies conducted in six countries (US, Korea, UK, Italy, Japan, Switzerland) showed that cancer patients experienced significant improvements and changes in each category researched. Common complaints (pain, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue) for those undergoing chemotherapy were ameliorated. In addition, improvements were seen in vital signs, mood, and foot fatigue. Results were immediate following a ten-minute session in one study and a thirty minute session in another.

Those undergoing palliative care reported results from reflexology work: feeling "relaxed," "comforted" and achieving relief from some of their symptoms. All of those in the study recounted improvements in quality of life: appearance, appetite, breathing, communication (doctors), communication (family), communication (nurses), concentration, constipation, diarrhoea, fear of future, isolation, micturition, mobility, mood, nausea, pain, sleep and tiredness.

Want to learn more? Contact me at 'Massage with Style'