Q: Why is it I feel great after most massage sessions, but sometimes I feel run down for a day?
A: Massage brings change to your body, and most of the time you feel invigorated and renewed after your session. When you feel less than terrific afterwords, the first question to ask is: Are you drinking plenty of pure water? The most common reason for feeling a little run down, etc. is that the massage has begun a detoxification process, and your body has released toxins and cellular waste into the bloodstream for disposal. Water helps your body to eliminate these toxins, just like the rinse cycle in the washing machine helps to remove dirt from your clothes that’s been loosened by the wash cycle. When you cut short or skip this vital step, you run the chance of letting this waste material redistribute in your body.
Water is one of the easiest health aids you can incorporate into your life. Make sure you drink several glasses every day—especially following your massage!