Cancer center embraces massage
“...Traditional hospitals nationwide are slowly waking to the realization that massage therapy’s positive effects are indubitably quality-of-life enhancing.
“Nowhere is this more clear than in the Integrative Medicine Service facility of New York City’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, one of the most respected hospitals in the world. The hospital, the world’s oldest and largest private institution dedicated to the prevention and treatment of cancer, has quietly added massage therapy to its patient services . . .
“The facility’s primary purpose is to help alleviate pain and suffering of those living with cancer . . .
“Kay White has been a regular outpatient client at the center ever since beginning treatment for breast cancer two years ago. She ... now comes once a week for massage . . . ‘I walk out of there and feel like you could drive a Mack truck over me and I wouldn’t feel it. I come now to remain healthy, and I can almost feel all the toxins leaving my body after a massage. It’s helped my breathing, my posture and I know it’s helping keep me healthy. I’m a true believer of massage.’ ”
—Massage Magazine, Issue 100, pg. 32