On October 24th, 2009 Oprah Winfrey had the 'O YOU!" conference in Kansas City, MO. Reflexologist from all over the country were invited.
Oprah fill those who attended with wonderful thought and quotations - "Slow down and enjoy life." "It's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why." "Happiness is never something you get from other people." "The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give." "Dreams come true." Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." Think about the above quotes and quantify them against your life. Di they apply to the life style that you are currently living?
The presenters for the event consisted of Martha Beck, Nate Berkus, Donna Brazile, Ross Burton, Jancee Dunn, Jim Karas, Stacy London, Suze Orman, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Peter Walsh. Those who were present at the conference were allowed to attend 4 different sessions. Each presenter had a listing of the high points of their presentation.
As Reflexology is in the Complementary Health Field, I am sharing both what Jim Karus' and Dr Oz's commentaries were centered around.
Jim Karas' concentration was within the weight loss and fitness industry. He is the fitness expert for celebrities such as Diane Sawyer of Good Morning America. Jim's Top 5 Tips for Real Weight Loss in Real Time at Any Age consist of the following:
* Never skip a meal again - ever!
* Eliminate the treadmill, stair stepper, bike, elliptical and ALL classic cardio.
* Only perform interval-based strength training.
* You snooze, you lose; skipping sleep adds weight.
* THINK thin - it really works.
Dr. Mehmet Oz's Tips to Live Right Now are noted below. So share with at least one person about the messages below. America has not gotten the health message because we have not given it to you in the right way.
* Watch the Big Five Major Agers - Five life adjustments control 70% of how we age by the time we are 50 years old: Blood pressure, No cigarettes, Exercise 30 minutes daily, Healthy diet that is easy - to -love and Stress control.
* Hide for Five - My favorite antidote for stress is deep belly breathing as you meditate for 5 minutes. Try hiding from the family in the bathroom if you need privacy.
* FEAST on Five Healing Foods - Your diet needs to include at least the number of servings below. Instead of focusing on what you should not eat, remember what you need to include first. A serving is the size of your fist. Your body wants fiber at breakfast to reduce your appetite during the day. Whole Grains - 7, Fruits - 4, Veggies - 5, Low-fat dairy - 2, Tree nuts -1.
* Ignore Your Weight - Forget about your weight, but keep your waistline less than half your height. This is also true for the kids and the men in your life.
* Enjoy Your Snooze - Your ability to sleep is a barometer of how well your body is coping with life. Sleep re-boots your brain and stimulates growth hormones so we look and feel younger. Help yourself thru sleep hygiene by dimming your lights 20 minutes prior to bedtime, wearing loose clothing to hed, and keeping the room cool and quiet.
* Be a Pill-head (sort of) - Finally, get your supplements daily, especially Vitamin D (1000 IU), and DHA omega 3 fats (400mg).
Dr. Oz is just a wonderful healthcare professional. He has openly endorsed Reflexology as a very useful alternative practice to use with other health practices in an effort to keep us all healthy. I understand that soon on the Dr. Oz TV program he will be doing show to help educate viewers about Reflexology. I believe that author's Kevin and Barbara Kunz, who together have written several books on the subject.
As a Practitioner, I believe that we can learn something new all the time. When I find something of interest and note worthy I share. The suggestions made by both Jim Kara and Dr. Oz I felt were note worthy so this is a share.
I have been not only a Massage Practitioner, but also Reflexologist for the past 6 1/2 years. In that time through Continuing Education and Training, I have added several modalities in both Massage and Reflexology to my basket of skills. Just to name a few under Reflexology, I am trained in the following: Maternity and Women Health Reflexology, Cranio-Sacral Reflexology, Emotional and Spiritual Aspects Through the Feet, Dealing with PTSD, Language of the Feet, Hand Reflexology, Ear Reflexology, Facial Reflexology, Spiritual Response Therapy, Universal Healing Reflexology, Tibetan Reflexology, SMART Reflexology, Ayurveda Reflexology. This just a few of the Reflexology Alternatives that I can offer.
In today's world we are being made more aware of the need to prevent illness. The need to keep our-self balanced is important at every level of our being. Starting with Spirit, going to Mind and working to prevent the manifestation of illness at the physical or body level. Therefore, being BALANCED at all levels of Body, Mind and Spirit.
Interested in learning more about how a little Alternative Healthcare can help? Call, Email or even schedule an appointment. I'm always willing to answer any of your question and would enjoy educating you in how to stay healthy through your feet.
Of course, I am always there for that Massage, Reiki or Aromatherapy session also.